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  • DECEMBER and CHRISTMAS IN FLORENCE: shopping and culture
  • Directions by car to Florence Hotel Il Guelfo Bianco
  • Outdoor walkings in Florence

Resistance. The untamed Florence we like to celebrate!

Min. reading

From the desk of our hotel in Florence near the Dome, today we are pleased to share some memories of our city, the capital of Reinassance, but also a town resisting to all the hardships of history.

The story of our beloved Florence starts with the Etruscans, in 150 b.C., even if it is only the legions of Gaius Julius Caesar, in 59 b.C, to give it a real identity on the Arno River, long time ago.

Since then, Florence started a journey as protagonist of the Italian history, animated by the character of its inhabitants, always overcoming the obstacles with their strong will and heart.

We can start acclaiming the beauty of the Brunelleschi’s Dome, or talk about the Medici artworks, but instead we’d rather light up the unbeatable Florentine resistance, that gave us the opportunity to experience Florence as it is.

“I admire those resisting, those making of resisting meat, sweat, blood, showing great gestures in living, standing still even in the worst moments.” (Luis Sepúlveda)

Throughout the ages, history tested mankind: famine, wars, illnesses, were part of the game, Florence included, hardly hit by the Plague of 1348.

But there’s no need to go back in time like this, let’s just think of few things happening in the past century. For example, the Resistance in 1917. No food and water, our city went through one of the coldest winters in history, in World War 1: the keyword, resist, no matter what.

Then, few years later, World War 2, and the retreat of Germans from Italy, after a bloody war of the Partisans and the American allies, leaving Florence destroyed, without a bridge, except the famous Ponte Vecchio.

Like other Italian cities, Florence started again from scratch, disfigured by the bombings and the diffused poverty of the majority of families. Resisting and rebuilding, looking towards the future.

Looking back, November 4th 1966, we can see the terrible flood of Florence, destroyed by water and mud. The Arno River overflowed due to the heavy rain, becoming a real monster to be tamed, leaving many propertyless, without a house, a job, hope.

“I live in the world, Florence is also my city”
(Ted Kennedy, brother of John Fitzgerald Kennedy)

It was the love for Florence from all over the world – our angels coming to help – and the strong will of the Florentine people, to free the city from the mud and save what possible of its artistic heritage, showing the world a real example of unity and collaboration, real Resistance in front of incredible hardships.

hotel firenze vicino duomo

Today it is amazing to admire Florence in its full splendor and think of all that has been overcome since that very first settlement on the Arno river, lost in time; today we are still here witnessing history, sharing it with all over friends, travellers of the world!

Florence is Resistance, always looking at the future, dreaming big,
for all those loving it without condition.

See you soon at Hotel Il Guelfo Bianco!


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