DECEMBER and CHRISTMAS IN FLORENCE: shopping and culture
Directions by car to Florence Hotel Il Guelfo Bianco
Outdoor walkings in Florence
  • DECEMBER and CHRISTMAS IN FLORENCE: shopping and culture
  • Directions by car to Florence Hotel Il Guelfo Bianco
  • Outdoor walkings in Florence


Min. reading

From our hotel to the Museum of Contemporary Art in Genoa.

As soon as you walk inside our art hotel in Florence, you will notice a very peculiar image painted on a canvas. It represents a man dressed in red, a man in his pyjamas. Don’t get upset, Aldo Mondino and his extravagant imagination are part of the family at Hotel Il Guelfo Bianco, where the passion for contemporary art and its actors is alive and well.

Versatile interpreter of postmodernism, Aldo Montino is the protagonist of his retrospective exhibition at the Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Villa Croce in Genova, a remarkable and exhaustive exhibition displaying his whole skill-set, filled with great sculptures, paintings and installations.

For this reason, we are happy to announce that Aldo Mondino. Modern, Post-Modern, Contemporary – open from the 24th of September to 27th of November 2016 – will also include the man in his pyjamas that for 25 years we have had the pleasure to house in our hotel, captivated by its irony and its remarkable size.

It is a work dating back to 1989, resembling the work of Jim Dine, pop-art genius that made nightgowns one of his most famous leitmotiv. Aldo Mondino has used the theme developed by the American artist and reinterpreted it in his own way, ironically signing it Mon Dine.

His ability of mixing different styles, getting inspiration from the past, the avant-garde and the artists of his generation, makes Mondino’s vision inspiring and surprising. In our hotel we even keep a few works of his which date back to the sixties.

Therefore during your stay at the boutique hotel Il Guelfo Bianco of Florence you will get a small taste of his talent deepen his knowledge, however, we advise you not to miss the retrospective at Villa Croce in Genova dedicated to him, it’s really worth it!

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